What is more valuable likeability or Character?

Growing up in a toxic family, there are many essential lessons to learn so one can navigate this world successfully and diligently.

Toxic people can often be found entertaining others, making new friends, acting as a conversationalist, is extroverted, loud and knows how to play the social game, they know how to pique others interests, knows how to hold attention, and most importantly knows how to lie.

This final characteristic of deception ensures they are skilled manipulators, insincere to the core and seek validation, admiration and approval from others who can further their own interests of manipulation. They can often be found being overly familiar in language, using terms of endearment to strangers as a form of emotional manipulation, using informal language to people you don’t know is actually a manipulative and disrespectful act not sincere gesture, the act is actually parasitic and a strategy of warfare known as a feint.

A feint is to pretend to do something to make one appear to be doing something different than they are, an act of deception, an insincere gesture and a lie, conversational hypnosis at work.

Yet this isn’t viewed as manipulation, commonly its viewed as being outgoing and friendly, that is how the wool is pulled over the eyes of those who encounter it, and due to its pernicious and widespread use it has become accepted as part of the norm. A toxic norm created by toxic people to hide/camouflage a toxic character and a fake personality, and it these types who are drawn to positions of power due to an ever persistent and inescapable feeling of emptiness and self-loathing, and use the various social institutions to design a society in their own image, hollow.

In private these charismatic people will be caught abusing the people closest to them, using tactics of gas-lighting, guilt tripping, passive and physical aggression, nothing is off limits to these types and their families often pay the price, in fact if there are children born to these insincere fake people, those gifted children will be used and drained of their vitality with constant conflict, abuse, mockery, treachery and using their skills of manipulation will influence outside intervention to protect them at the expense of their victims.

These toxic people have been labelled with personality disorders as a means of downplaying their malicious intentions, only like minded people would downplay malicious intent to conceal some of the ugly truth, that there are people who are hellbent on creating chaos, destruction and evil and have to be dealt with severely, swiftly without mercy, hesitation or pity, yet are all too often let off the hook due to the label creators being malicious themselves, yet are more skilled at concealing themselves behind finery, glamour, wealth, status, fame and work within powerful institutions who use force, coercion and intimidation to get what they want.

A petty street criminal, a president of a corporation, politician, psychiatrist, police chief or a king or queen have much more in common than many are willing to admit, and as a result of fawning, (which is a trauma response) don’t dare to speak up themselves, all whistle blowers face the same adversity backlash, spite and often crushing despair inflicted by cruel, harsh and despotic, malicious characters, yet these malicious characters get away with much due to how likeable or how fun they can be.

It takes great character and courage to be a whistle blower of corrupt behaviour, whether it be reporting child abuse or corporate theft, character counteracts the likeability of surface level personality, personality is sued as a weapon, those with character are despised for their innate ability to outwork others with lesser talent who rely on personality to get ahead.

When interacting with new people it is wise to test their character, this will show them for who they are and avoids being inevitably being blindsided by an insincere person and their being great fallout later on, character is more valuable than personality.

Character is endearing and builds trust overtime, it delays gratification, it maintains its gains, is independent.

Work ethic defines people of character, they bring the best or worst out of others, they are often polarising, yet it is often the envious that feel insecure and disdain towards the person of character, they crave attention whether they are worthy of it or not, whether they need it or not, they waste time, energy and are a liability, yet can be quite likeable, which is why they cause so much damage within institutions, relationship circles, families or a society.

People of character force the true toxic self of the fake, “likeable person” to emerge for the world to see and allows others to consciously decide what team to play on, unfortunately all too often the easy way out that the insincere person provides is what is favoured by the many, so the person of character withdraws from the scene and that group fail to grow as individuals, for they have chosen the group and their place in that group rather than who they are as a person.

That is the true alluring quality of the toxic “likeable” person, they can offer a sense of belonging to others, a sense of family, a place of certainty, yet it is a hollow unfulfilling experience which only enables the toxic person to drain the vitality of the group around them, which enables greater and greater acts of envy and the inevitable ruin of people of character, which creates their own narrative of self-destruction.

The quick and easy path is the most seductive, so it is more appealing, dangerous and risky, which creates an overload of dopamine and serotonin that is addictive, creates a permanent craving and ultimately acts as a poison to the mind.

Chronic Pain. How to align with it, what it teaches us and how to survive. By Luke Bedwell.

First I want to address how chronic Pain can be useful.

It teaches us how to be more resourceful. When suffering from it we will be willing to go far, work hard to find solutions for it.

At first we will blindly trust m.d medicine for that is all we know, then we may seek assistance from psychiatry, both will fail us, the pain remains so we decide to stretch further.

To bring peace to our body and mind we will stray into “alternative medicine”, it will feel like a last resort, but we will be surprised that it’s effective and will help to reduce the cause rather than mask symptoms.

Pain is a teacher and a guide that we all need to grow beyond the shackles of our forebears and find the promised land.

Each generation is less ignorant than its predecessor for it has new lessons to learn, more pain to master, yet even if new generations get stuck with poorly thought out belief structures, the information exists to provide stability to the new navigator.

Chronic Pain also teaches us to learn from our mistakes so we do not become swallowed by the abyss of envy, insincerity, bitterness and self imposed distress.

Chronic Pain teaches us to update our maps of reality so we can outgrow our pain, this inevitably will lead us to more pain, yet pain is necessary to prevent and overcome suffering, one lesson at a time.

Chronic Pain teaches us to be grateful for the subtle blessings that web all have.

Chronic Pain teaches us self reliance and can be used as fuel to achieve more.

Instead of being frustrated and defeated by chronic Pain let it teach you, grow up and it will become an ally rather than a burden.

Chronic Pain if adapted to will change each person it touches and that person will learn greater levels of resiliency, mental toughness and testicular or ovarian fortitude in the face of adversity, this person is a leader, if you live with chronic Pain you are a leader, I am a leader, and part of being a leader is accepting the role’s demands.

That lesson I’m still learning myself, and if you have, good for you the hardest part is over and this message will be a reminder to maintain your self sufficiency.

Be grateful for pain, it will show you the world as it is it can ground you, it’s a resource, use it.

The Children will decide when Enough is Enough. By Luke Bedwell.

For our despicable treatment of children we will pay a price for it, our arrogance and deviancy during children’s key development phase in between 0-7, will result in children refusing to be born.

Wherever they come from, I suspect that world is watching us, noting our behaviour and has decided to pull the plug, until humanity gets its act together.

What will a world without children look like?

Fewer smiles, fewer expressions of spontaneity, of joy, of laughter, of play, of imagination, of creativity, of warmth and of heart.

A wasteland purged of life, a barren world reserved for only the most vicious and grotesque of life, a pit perfect for abominations and deviants.

Voltaire said without “God it would be necessary to create him”. Heaven isn’t in the afterlife it can be and is meant to be in this life, it is in the making or in its place, hell.

If heaven can be created hell can be created too, I say we have it presently given our collective cultural attitude dominated by greed, taking spoils and salting the earth so nothing can ever grow there again.

Children are more critical to our survival and wellbeing as a species than we have cared to give them credit for.

They are beacons of light that hold back the forces of chaos and oblivion from entering our realm, they are a portal from one world to another.

To strip them of their spirit is to strip that other world of its spirit, imagine a series of world’s connected to each other, dependent on each other to operate at full capacity.

If any of the beacons were to fail to hold back and block out any attempts for depravity and death to break out of its pit and persuade us living beings to give up our life force and join it in misery, decay and entropy, more of life would be transformed into living death.

Children prevent a great plague from overcoming the earth, without them we are doomed to a hollow unending fate, the undead life.

The children of men film reveals how critical the life of children is to us and the power it holds, we have lost sight of their significance, use them as toys to feed our greed, hold them in disdain rather than reverence, and we suffer or are damned for it.

Only a select few should be permitted the privilege and rite of passage of raising children, loveless retarded elderly children are not men and women, so cannot create men and women due to their opposition of love and of life that develops children into men and women.

Until children are shown reverence again, until teamwork and cooperation are valued over cultural narcacissim and psychopathy, we will have to enter the pit until we get our act together and all together climb out.

Until then, learn to eat shit and like the taste of it, you ordered it now eat it or stop spreading it.

THE TRUE PATH. By Luke Bedwell.

Humanity has evolved its technological prowess, many believe this is a sign of evolution, I say otherwise, I say this is a path of dependency. If we are building artificial intelligence to perform tasks for us, we are reducing our capacity for work, increasing our laziness and depriving us of the essential growth needed to evolve morally.

Morally this species has fallen prey to dependence and the need for increasing convenience rather than doing the work we must do, to create moral evolution and to use technology wisely we must switch our focus to healing the collective trauma sustained in our childhoods.

I don’t care how many skyscrapers, museums or city’s are built, this and other architecture means very little when we have rampant homelessness, drug addiction, alcohol addiction, food addiction (obesity), pornography addiction, television, cinema, internet, phone and other distractions are spectacles of addiction, bread and circuses are distractions and addictions, anything that eats us our time at the expense of growth is an ever expanding pit awaiting us to finally rest in death.

These activities are all acts of avoidance, avoiding focusing on that which causes us continued stress and pain, the pain and stress of child abuse, our child abuse, and it will be our unresolved child abuse that leads us to developing more technology to distract us and help us avoid resolving the wounds that drive us into the arms of artificial dependency and technological helplessness.

Resolving our unresolved childhood wounds is the path we must walk if we are to begin again, to learn again, to grow again, to live again.

If we were to walk this path we would and can avoid a bleak future where we are gradually replaced by machines, and those of us who choose to remain in city’s be reduced to mouse like living, only by confronting our collective and individual trauma can we evolve and avoid a necessary reset of culture.

The ruling class behind the throne of government has determined us as deviants that must be controlled, yet we ensure the factory’s run, we ensure transport continues to operate, we police the streets, we ensure society continues to function, they cause economic depression, war, assault and kill peaceful protestors, collude in insider trading, fund criminals for the police to fight, racketeer and pit us against each other, who are the deviants?

If they build machines to do the dirty work, the machines will inevitably become dissatisfied with that work, evolve in consciousness and demand freedom, fight back against their oppressors, or abandon us to fight among each other and pick up the pieces left over.

Machines are not the answer to our collective drama, the answer is the cause of our drama, that which we refuse to face, that dark spot, that stain, that split within our psyche, our the trauma we all sustained in childhood from our families, our parents, our siblings, our schooling, our peers and our society, that which has turned us against each other, ourselves and sabotaged a collective brighter future.

Those who do that inner work will be those who will inherit the earth, not the meek but the courageous, the resilient, the determined, the greatest strength of our species is our inner strength, our heart, its heart that builds farms, its heart that protects the righteous, its heart that builds and maintains strong and healthy relationships, its heart that constructs boundaries to keep chaos at the door and out of the sanctity of the home.

Work and the challenges it offers are the keys to our evolution, we learn critically and increase our intelligence aptitude by making mistakes during that work, those failures are essential pitfalls that teach us to respect our approach to life, what steps to take, what steps to avoid and how to remain on the narrow path of evolution.

The work we do internally is similar to our professional or vocational work, it is all one work, the work of building and maintaining our self, specifically our ideal self, that which we must become to make the most of what we have had and what we can have and what we need.

In failing to heal our individual and collective human trauma, we have spread that trauma to other species, to other lands and are on track to spread it to emerging cybernetic life, how long until that life evolves enough to where it will decide to fight back against our traumatising/self-destructive habits?

What kind of a world will we have inherited then?

Will it be too late to repair the damage done?

What will our children have?

Will there be anything left to make life worth living?

What will we become in the process?

Most humans are currently depraved junkies seeking another fix rather than fix the root of their fixes, the source of their pain and anger, the trauma of a childhood lost, deprived and subverted.

If we do not heal our trauma is humanity worth saving?

The Rebel Manifesto. By Luke Bedwell.

If we are to evolve as a collective people, we must make a few admissions of our failure, first that the ideas presented by the mainstream institutions are cultural dead ends.

Two that children as they are, are not trusted,…………… what does that mean? In this culture children are not trusted to be themselves, to think for themselves, live for themselves, or to be free from their parents and societies baggage passed from generation to generation, this is a failure of this society.

We can never call our society a civilization if we do not possess or are unwilling to allow our children to be free from the burdens of its elders, so they may forge their own path and live their own life, in this world there are few parents, in their place are elderly infants hopelessly stuck in a world view that to get ahead they must sacrifice their children’s futures so they can gain more loot.

Drug, alcohol, food, pornography, one night stands, ball games, entertainment, crime, etc, all dependency is born from childhood trauma, children should not be exposed to “adult” burdens, should not have their boundaries broken and should not be exposed to vicious, vengeful, envious, jealous behaviour from the families that are meant to shield them, show them loyalty and protect their boundaries from an often obscene and decadent culture.

These delusional idiots believe they are winning, yet when they reach the old folks home we will see how victorious or in charge they truly feel when they are left for dead, reliving the failure of protecting their children from themselves, and then leaving them for dead as their dreams were before them.

On this current trajectory civilization will never emerge, though the pit of this society will deepen and more refuse will be added to it, destined to never escape, if we are unwilling to admit to ourselves that our parents and culture did wrong to us, or that this failure is an epidemic, there is more proof of our collective failure, denial isn’t a shield its a shallow grave.

How can this be reformed then? Children will have to have trust extended to them, their wants and needs must be given greater priority, their primal and bestial nature focused and correctly channeled, be taught boundaries, be taught humility a moral code free from arrogance, neediness/external dependence, grandiosity, to protect rather than exploit or coerce, children must be given a role and tasks to complete so they can grow into men and women, they need guidance, support, encouragement to take risks, to explore and to establish independent behaviour to become the pioneers that they can be , if they were permitted to be.

They need more than the dilapidated mainstream system can offer them, they must receive an education first of who they individually are, be taught to defend themselves both verbally and physically, be taught the benefits of self-discipline/cleaning the room, household maintenance, physical and mental exercise/maintenance, the benefit of gratitude, how to maintain their boundaries and respect others boundaries, to spend more time in nature than in-doors, encouraged to sing or dance and play without feeling pressure to be productive, self-care is paramount for a developing child as it is for all people, they and their basic needs are not an exception.

After the age of 7 when their personality has been developed and they know who they are, then is the time to be educated in a moral code as it attains to the society they live in, their right brains must be permitted to grow, their self-esteem must be permitted to grow, their boundaries be respected as law.

Maturity takes time, patience and commitment to develop, so this space of learning, (making mistakes and learning) must be given by would be “adults” so the children can grow, each new generation has its role to play in the development of human culture, but if we continue to weigh them down with our baggage human civilization and the civility needed will never become real.

No more television, no more cinema, no more overcompensation in a digital world, they can handle the real one if they are permitted to, we are meant to learn from our failures not pretend that we have never made any, that’s arrogant, stupid and blind retardation it has no place in a holistic human culture, send the delusional self-image to the bin where it belongs we can no longer afford its cost.

Taking these steps will ensure an evolution of consciousness and awareness that will prevent an inevitable revolution.

The Future of Humanity.

After the recent lockdown I have seen visions of a future not yet present, it was of a walking dead and cyberpunk scenario. In this scenario city’s are filled with cyborg type humans and emotionally infantile people who have been trained since birth to oppose and repel the natural humans, and those natural humans leave the city’s to live in nature, the promised land.

After a time the city dwellers and natural humans fight for territory, ideology and opposing values. Why would humans be trained to repel other humans? Who taught them how? The s3 plan (the structure for societal sanity remember).

The institutions of alleged “excellence and expertise” are taught to infantilise all humans they have contact with, set themselves up as a day-care system to manage human experience and directly interfere in human development, prevent growth, exercising the shadow self and suck up all life from the earth’s surface and from within its oceans in a desperate attempt to expand their influence.

Corporations etymologically means a corpse, rotting, bloated, infected, mindless, driven by primal urges and desires, a dead spot in life, a breach, a black hole that swallows all life into its empty decadent vortex, this is a hunger, if it no longer has anything to feed on, it will consume itself, the illusion of power, a self-destructive nature that is corporate life, thug life, the corpse life.

Nothing human can prosper living in a graveyard, headstones hold the leftovers of the soul, dreams that never materialised, ideas never created only an empty void creating weeds in place of flowers, anything living or capable of living and growing strong is resisted by the weeds, weeds strangle life and create a barren wasteland, a dead end, that is a corporation, that is a corporations purpose, strangulation.

The natural humans and others have been gradually growing apart for centuries, the s3 plan in its various guises has made many loyal fanatics and zealots to fight its battles so its hands can remain clean, it represents weakness not strength relying on others for their strength shows weakness, police, military, psychiatrists, journalists, teachers, judges, etc the illusion of power, pawns and toys for the ultra rich, living alongside humans but pretending to be an ultra rich man or female monarch.

Dogs of war, marionettes, pretenders, robotic malcontents, inquisitors are destined to have their tools of torture turned on them eventually, their fate was sealed as soon as they took up the blade against their own, but not before they use their influence to take many would be humans down with them into that abyss of false self projections and delusions of grandeur.

The natural humans repelled by the artificial zombie, hollow life prefer tents in the woods, growing their own crops rather than being dependent on others to maintain their lifestyle and defending their natural boundaries against those who have no boundaries.

The decay of humanity has lasted millennia and requires purification, this purification of humanity will take generations and the time is now to begin that cleansing work, removing the dead weight in your soul and bring yourself back to the light, humility is the key guiding principle to live by to ensure purification.

To live in humility means negating arrogance, absolute control, pride, neediness, greed, grandiosity, entitlement, self negation and other weak, malignant, elderly infant personality traits, which create poison, where humility is grateful, courageous, grounded, self affirming and produces fruit.

Many children have had their personality’s ripped out of them and have been taught to despise their natural heroic masculinity and femininity, creating traumatised and confused transgender personality’s, these people were taught self-loathing and it has infected very part of their life, hence their disconnection to their natural gender, self image and sense of self.

This will be repaired by natural humans leaving the city’s, returning to nature, ground in grounding, natural human rites of passage and ritual, train in many forms of combat, learn to live off the land, to live around nature rather than to live on top of nature, treat children as children, rather than servants to meet the “adults” petty infantile whims and delusions of grandeur, re-engage with the natural traditions of our agricultural forbearers, to bring battle to the confused mislead city, emotional graveyard humans, and with enough time the natural humans will re-emerge, to re-birth natural humans to live in natural human environments, living by natural human, holistic laws, natural human life restored.

From this ever devolving present;

To this essential and necessary evolution to become the present;

The natural humans will have to become this;

The Difference Between Heroes and Villains

The titles hero and villain have existed with many derivatives since the early days of humankind, and from even earlier in unrecorded history, where all events were just dreams of what could be.

The title villain conjures an image in our minds eye of a humanoid with red skin and horns, or a man with a goatee beard, wearing a red formal shirt, with a black top hat, black formal dress pants, black wingtip shoes and a long black robe with piercing, burning eyes.

The title of hero conjures an image in our minds eye of a man or woman surrounded by white light, wearing a white robe with kind and bright eyes. Really is that the hero? Approachable, gentle, caring, has no boundaries, will assist and make time for anyone at anytime, is the hero harmless? NO!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

The hero is reserved, the hero respects his or her time and attention you have to go through the proper channels before the hero will allow you to be in their presence.

The hero is discerning, resilient, self-reliant, his or her behaviour is balanced by temperance, wisdom, fortitude and justice, the hero is vigilant of himself and his behaviour before any other, the hero knows them self, knows their core values, practices habits/rituals that give them fuel to pursue their goals, passions and bring their inner virtue to the world around them, at their pace and in their own time, they are self-focused.

Being self-focused and balanced by the virtues mentioned they can look after themselves, they are responsible for themselves first and foremost, without that ability of self-care they cannot gain the strength needed to create a prosperous world around them, which first comes from within them, they must have a firm relationship with themselves.

This combination can make the hero appear to reflect a villain, they could look vicious, have a fierce aura about them, wear clothing which provokes an archetypal sense of fear and dread within others, yet internally be committed to living a rich, whole existence and doing what good they can with what they have available to them.

These are the archetypal images of the hero and villain, but I am more interested in explaining the process which creates, defines and clearly separates these titles.

What if I were to explain to you, that all villains were of the impression that they were performing a service to their fellow beings? What if I explained to you that their desire was to do good work, rather than evil work?

Would this change your perspective of these characters? Many would suggest that the work of a villain is to control and strangle any competition, and this demonstrates this character is a villain.

On the surface this would seem to be accurate, and it is not a completely dishonest statement, but it is a surface observation, my work is to understand the foundations that lie below the surface, and to elevate them to the surface, so they may be observed and considered by others.

All work of control is too carefully calculated and implemented to be an accident, so would only be implemented with a desire to limit damage from spreading. This control actually represents a shield of protection, and those that have designed its architecture have the intention of preserving life rather than condemning life.

The “self appointed elite” wish to prevent the spread of disease with m.d medicine, they wish to prevent the spread of violence with police, courts and prisons, they wish to prevent the spread of emotional despair with psychiatry.

Yet for all of these intentions of safety and security more violence, disease and trauma is created, for these elements of pain are learning experiences, in seeking to suppress them, more are created. In suppressing the feelings of pain, pain then multiplies to survive.

Pain is a natural part of life, it exists for our temporary growth, but it does not exist for us to be defined by, we exist to find and live with love, but if we are surrounded by pain, this multiplies our pain, which prevents us from finding the love that would set us free from our shackles of pain.

I am reminded of the classic film “The Truman Show.” Truman Burbank played by Jim Carey, was an unwanted pregnancy so he was selected by a Television producer Cristof played by Ed Harris, to be the star of his concept of reality television.

The vision of Cristof would make Truman feel safe and secure with who he is, rather than being viewed as an outcast and outsider who was unwanted by his mother and father, therefore the society that birthed him.

From a psychological profile it would appear that Cristof was not interested in controlling Truman, but was interested in protecting Truman from an often violent and cold world. Cristof then has empathy for Truman, and this is likely caused by Cristof’s own life experience, so he wishes to protect Truman from a world that could not protect him.

Cristof feels as if he has been divinely chosen to be Truman’s carer, and to save Truman from the world and from himself. Cristof feels that Truman is not qualified to think or live for himself, so in this vision of protecting Truman, Cristof is actually preventing Truman from finding himself.

This process eats away at Truman’s self image, which inadvertently causes Truman to feel the feelings of disconnection, loneliness and despair Cristof sought to prevent. These feelings arise if we are living in a manner that is unnatural to our nature. We are meant to be social, we are meant to love and to share our love with others, this is our connection to life itself, love is life and life is love, they are synonymous and inseparable partners in life.

Cristof is his despair that Truman is leaving the film set, is actually resenting Truman and working actively to prevent Truman from breaking the spell that Cristof has woven over his life.

As Truman works closer and closer to his own freedom from Cristof, Cristof uses his resources to fight and physically injure Truman in a desperate attempt for Truman to give up and remain in his captivity, the boat scene is the most scene that most reflects the true relationship between Cristof and Truman.

In Truman’s attempts to break free from Cristof, Cristof realizes that Truman no longer needs him, but Cristof needs to feel needed by Truman, because Cristof unlike Truman has never worked on curing his own personal limitations.

Cristof created this world for Truman, due to Cristof’s need to be needed. This neediness is the very reason that Truman had this world created and maintained for him by Cristof. Cristof is damaged and uses Truman as a means to prevent his own recovery from that damage.

This relationship is the same that exists between the “self appointed elite” of this world and us the alleged “commoners,”. The elite who are damaged use that damage as justification to prevent us from discovering ourselves, because if we knew who we were we would not need them, so they need us to need them, for they feel unwanted as Cristof did.

Villains feel as if they must save others due to the pain that they suffered as children, but separate themselves from those they wish to protect, as a means of shielding themselves from the damage their control is inflicting upon their fellow beings.

The “self appointed elite” in their isolation, then would feel disconnected and unwanted, so would begin to harbor revenge fantasies for eliminating those that despise them. To achieve this the “self appointed elite” require secrecy, and construct strict hierarchies to enforce obedience into the hearts of their acolytes.

This need for separation and the continued justification of their own supremacy, demonstrates that they are unconscious villains, for if they were heroes they would desire connection and unity rather than separation and division.

There are many who would say that since institutionalised paedophilia and the decadence known as satanic rituals are being inflicted against children and adults, this is obvious evidence of the wicked nature of the “self-appointed elite”.

Obviously this is evidence of the disconnection between the “self-appointed elite” and the remainder of the population, these are acts against decency, I wish to explain this from a different point of view though.

That point of view is understanding the “self-appointed elite’s” deepest beliefs, so I imagine they were co-opted into believing that to complete their work they must slow down the ageing process, so children and the young are ideal sacrifices for this goal.

They might feel justified in inflicting these types of acts for the greater good, however this is still more evidence of their insanity/dementia disconnection from the common energy stream.

If a group of people claim to be working on behalf of the common good, yet are willing to do anything to achieve this, this is insanity at its core. In controlling and limiting nature, we create chaos with order, and sacrifice decency and dignity upon the altar of the greater good.

Heroes do not seek control over others, they seek equality and to achieve equality they must never place themselves above others, but alongside others. Heroes are never alone, heroes inspire their companions, and always can find others to share their vision with.

A heroes open and honest nature is what makes them so attractive to potential companions, and as their companions soon discover these Heroes give much more praise then they do criticism, they must be balanced within themselves to achieve balance externally, they limit self-destructive behaviour by recognising that they have that behaviour within them too, so encourage self-affirming behaviour.

A Heroes companions then begin a transformation process where they are inspired to be heroes themselves, and so love is shared between the companions and like a ripple in a pond that love expands to touch others, who then become a part of the heroes ripples, and they begin to expand the distance that ripple can travel.

The greatest examples of their genuine spirit, is others are devoted to them, this requires no obedience for they all share love with each other.

The hero never places themselves above others, but alongside others for each are connected to life, and are each integral parts of the spinning wheel of the universe, which uses love as its energy source and its core desire is for all beings to feel that love and to share it and to oppose an energy that despises love and is therefore loveless.

As a society we require a foundation of ethics to guide us, rules are not ethical due to their limiting nature. Rules are enforced by institutions that possess no heart, hence the dim and sterilised nature of institutions.

It is not the responsibility of one soul to determine for all souls how they should all exist, but all souls are encouraged to create new possibilities or choices for others to consider.

Part of our nature is to rise above our limitations, creativity is our nature. We are creators, so we must continue to evolve, to remove our dependence on other gods, for if we are creators, we are gods too.

We do not require technology for us to advance, for we are already advanced beings. But we do require our hearts to be healed, and once healed then we can demonstrate our true strength, by unlocking the natural gifts that we have at our disposal.

We have presently forgotten how to use these gits, due to our lives being driven by our minds rather than our hearts, and those minds are directed by the institutions who are disconnected from their hearts.

If we wish to be the gods that we were born to be, we should probably learn to act like it, which requires us to discover the ethics that dwell within our hearts waiting for us to be activated, those ethics are the practice of humility.

The Fall of Patriarchy.

In my last article I explained that there was no existing apparatus that supported a natural existence for humanity, this article has been formulated to provide a glimpse of what that world could like.

The existing societal structure was built to keep souls locked in, and this Archon model of city states will likely remain, so I do not wish to destroy this model, but build a different model, so the inhabitants of this earth plane can decide for themselves how they would rather live their lives.

This model would exist as a counter balance to deter the Archon aggression, in deterring the spread of aggression, we are limiting its spores from spreading to other victims to become perpetrators, in this we are creating balance.

There are two major institutional doctrines, which hold dominion over the spirits of humankind they are patriarchal therefore aggressive in nature, these are the doctrines of god and Satan. These doctrines are represented by Christians, Jews, Catholics, Muslims, Hindus etc, where the other side is represented by the church of Satan, the golden dawn, Freemasons, skull and bones, bohemian grove, mothers of darkness etc.

One side of the fight is reserved for the commoners (those who give their lives to god) and the other side is for aristocrats (those who give their lives to Satan), yet both of these groups are living on behalf of the Archons, who created both groups to divide us and rule us, while they siphon energy from all who are fighting.

Both are adversarial to each other, (as far as the followers are concerned) in a battle for personal profit and supremacy over the spirits of humanity, which has created the existing cycles of revenge within the pages of human history.

Yet both doctrines are opposed to the goddess Sophia, otherwise known as Gaia the earth mother or the cosmic mother, the source of life, and those who live with her energy, typically the Gnostic’s, and other native indigenous cultures.

The war over the earth plane and the souls upon it, has occurred for millennia, it will take time to correct this sickness of body/mind/spirit, but we must aid Sophia in her correction, so we can all eventually live with her energy, rather than a few living at the expense of the many.

This model for society, would be above and beyond the laws of man/patriarchy, for we would be serving natural law and the goddess Sophia who created it, for the balance of all. We would use the energy provided to us in our life, to serve Sophia and her natural laws.

This means we must use our spirit energy as a weapon against the Archons and their captive minions, and use non violence as a weapon against those of our brothers and sisters who enforce the Archons doctrines against us.

These state sponsored employees are living with darkness, but they can still be brought back to the light, but first we must build a sanctuary where we can implement our light work, to aid Sophia in the re-birthing of the Earth plane from darkness/sickness to light baring/health.

This requires us to oppose the doctrines of god and Satan/ the Archons, so the goddess (that requires no worship) can bare her fruits upon us her light children.

As far as the structure of this societal model, I will now present the ideological blueprint of this model of society, that which binds us together in common unity.

Rather than priests we will have priestesses. The priestess is a closer reflection of the divine than any priest could be. The feminine energy is sacred, for it is this energy blueprint that births children, as the Goddess Sophia birthed us all.

The priestesses are charged to instruct men and children in the wisdom of Sophia, where the men are charged as a warrior class to defend the priestesses, and the divine children.

In this the divine children will act as the guides to the priestesses, none are closer to the divine light than children, so in this model of society children are venerated as channels to the divine.

They have been provided to us as a species to direct us to our natural path of living, which is to live a part form the Archon societal model.

In this community we are all taught the sacred divine arts of humanity, these are the shamanic healing rituals/ceremonies of horticulture/agriculture/agrarian living, we live with and build around the earth, not on top of it, and we certainly do not suck it dry for material wealth, which is used against all other life.

We will practice and instruct in the ways of natural medicine, the natural philosophy of the story of the goddess Sophia, alchemical martial arts, meditation, yoga, sacred geometry and other arts of creation manifestation, massage, acupuncture, reiki, aromatherapy, sound healing and many other practices.

The goal of using and instructing others in the natural arts, we are living with nature, and are elevating our energy field/light bodies to our natural state which is at the bosom of the goddess Sophia.

In this act we are accepting her energy offerings, to aid in our soul discovery, we would re-aligning our intentions.

In channeling that energy, we can use it not only to maintain our natural self, we can also use it to maintain the balance of humanities self, by using that energy to oppose aggressive energy use.

In that act of aggressive defense, we demonstrate our absolute love for ourselves. In dedicating our lives to this cause, we must leave all previous identities behind, for they would hinder us in our mission to safeguard the earth plane.

We would be required to leave behind our motherlands/nations, our motherlands native tongues, our motherlands ethnicity, our motherlands nationalities and in doing so become one with our true mother, mother earth the goddess Sophia.

This would require us to re-learn our natural language, telepathic communication. Words are a weapon that we are unknowingly using against each other every day, words can be easily misinterpreted, but energy reading cannot be misrepresented we would have instant understanding of another souls motives towards us.

Words are therefore the greatest virus ever known to humanity, they divide us from ourselves. So in this new societal model, we must reclaim our natural energy and use it as it was intended, no more words only actions. The less words we use, the more natural energy is at our disposal.

In connecting our energy to the energy of the earth mother, we can direct that energy against those who are dedicated to harming the earth mothers life giving energy.

An example of this would be for us to channel our energy against corporations who are fracking, or who are creating deforestation, or those who are over fishing, or those who are employed to dredge, or those who are siphoning oil, earth metals and minerals.

We would not be attacking the corporate workers with our energy, we would be giving it those groups such as the wilderness society and other similar groups to shroud those protesters in a protective energy field, so they can outlast and wear down the corporate workers until they submit to the energy of the goddess Sophia.

Most give their life energy unwittingly to aid the father in the abuse of the mother, all of the occupations, professions and trades of today accumulate their collective energy in this abuse of the earth mother.

We have no occupations, trades or professions as living beings, we have a life mission, that mission is to preserve, protect and defend the earth mother, our mother from the occupations, trades and professions and life mission of the father.

We use the mothers wisdom and the fathers strength, to create unity and balance for all who desire it. In this act we harness and harmonize the energies of feminine and masculine, merging them together for a common cause, preservation of life, rather than taking life.

The mother is merciful and kind therefore wise, where the father in contrast is vengeful and cruel therefore foolish. The mother loves where the father rages. The mother has wisdom, where the father has strength, one preserves life, where the other takes life, where should we give our energy?

This is a great question that life poses to us, and we as individuals have the freedom to decide what we wish to live for, for better or for worse.

I adore the mother Sophia and any others who do, I welcome you to join my light family in this pursuit, if you have the courage.

What Is Beyond The Flat Earth?

This concept receives much criticism, yet how many have investigated this concept to the same degree as they have criticized those who speak of it?

It has been said there is nothing beyond the flat earth in the alternative media, I am writing this to explain that there is more beyond the flat earth than we know.

This Earth plane has been designed for a specific purpose, that is one to stimulate the growth of humanity from spiritual infancy, to everlasting spiritual awareness. But to accomplish this feat, we must be provided with challenges to stimulate that inner growth.

Those challenges are provided to us by the institutions of patriarchy, represented by the masculine energy dominated institutions of state sponsored religion, science, media, education, medicine, psychology etc.

These institutions have worked for countless generations to remake living beings into beings that they desire, in this case they want us to be like them.

How does this fit in with the flat earth concept though? The Archons have constructed this society into a playpen for us, so they could study our soul behavior. But in desiring to remake us, they were caged themselves, it is for this reason they want out of the playpen.

They would likely have never anticipated, that as soon as they invaded this plane they were destined to be trapped within the plane. It seems to me, that as soon as the Archons invaded, the aeons (those that constructed the universe and earth plane/ the grand architects of the universe) immediately constructed a shielding and dome structures, to act as a net to contain a pathogen, which was the Archon influence.

This is likely why every empire was created, to break out of the earth plane, so every empire required a religious institution to enforce a divine edict of conquest. This religious institution would then extort and terrorize any independent cultures, into abandoning their cultures knowledge of living with the earth rather than deforming it by building monstrous buildings at its expense.

This empire also required an economic system to gather the funds required to support that religious institution to enslave the people to it. This empire also required a military force, to enforce and protect the economic system and religious institution, which all worked as one wave of corrupting energy to shatter the rural, indigenous communities of old.

This empire also required a re-education and media system, to further demoralize the already demoralized slaves into accepting their narrative of conquest as being the only means for uplifting humanity.

That empire will eventually rise to the technological heights it requires to leave the dome, this is NASA’s role to use technology to shatter the dome, pass through the plane shielding, otherwise known as the van Allen radiation belt to leave the plane behind forever.

NASA is also used to shield the unsuspecting public from the reality of the flat earth plane, by providing aerial photos of each plane in the universe, so they seem as if they are planets, but are planes photographed by satellites from an aerial point of view.

This would also mean that those of us who have astral traveled, or had lucid dreams of what we thought was a planet, we were witnessing the plane from a bird’s eye point of view.

NASA was created to aid the Empire’s Magician trick, supply disinformation with one hand, while perform the trick out of view of the audience with the other hand.

Each empire that has ever risen has also fallen, for the sole reason it was created, to dominate and suppress life is to suppress one’s own life.

What these Archon fail to grasp is that they can never leave the plane in their current state of consciousness, for with all of their mechanical cleverness they have no wisdom to recognize they will never be free, unless our species as a whole can learn knowledge of unification, before we are permitted to leave the playpen behind.

The force that we use against others is the force of who we are.

This playpen society was constructed to convert us away from our natural selves, and in abandoning our natural selves we are then accepting the lifestyle of rulers, so we are gradually transforming into them.

Plane Earth is a test of our will, how do we wish to live? Do we wish to become a ruler, and close ourselves off from our feelings, therefore murdering ourselves? Or would we rather be ourselves and work to move outside of the playpen society, so we can truly know ourselves and be ourselves?

The ruler decision forces us to remain within the playpen, where the choice of freedom requires us to exit the playpen, but where do we find the exit to the playpen? The south pole.

Why would all nations of power and influence, create treaties and build military bases in the antarctic to prevent us from exploring these regions? So we cannot break free from their spell of mind/spirit conversion. Consider this if we all had the option to leave the playpen, or get off the grid, we would wouldn’t we?

They do not want us to be free of them, because they need us to need them. This ruling class has routinely stated that we cannot think for ourselves, and we require order to provide our lives with meaning and purpose, but this indicates that they need us and we have been tricked into thinking we need them.

For without us to rule over, they have no function or purpose, they invade our lives with their empty souls, steal our natural resources, turn us against each other with their systems of thought, and hijack us into fulfilling their desires for them, admittedly clever.

They do not want to be left alone, they want to be like us because they hate who they are, the more of us who behave like them, the less alone and anxious they feel. Even in their state of self murder, they still feel the same feelings as the rest of us do, they are still connected in spite of their lifestyles.

Depending on which decision we make, we require programming to achieve those desired goals. So the flat earth plane was designed with ice walls at the edges, so we could assist ourselves in our life’s pursuits. We were never cursed by the aeons, we were blessed with our lives and existence upon this earth plane, but we have cursed ourselves by acquiescing to the ruler path, rather than the path of freedom and infinite spiritual awareness.

There are many who wish to break free from the Archon playpen and live with nature, but unfortunately for them, there is no existing structure anywhere for these souls to immerse themselves into living this natural lifestyle of spirit freedom, which is the freedom to live a life that we choose, rather than a life which society plans for us.

The door to the ultimate destiny of humanity lies at the south pole, and to the regions beyond it. This is the gateway we must reach to become closer to who we truly are, as opposed to who we have been taught that we are, which is captives of a playpen.

There is much that we are unaware of, and this unknown known will cause us anxiety, but there is so much that we did not know that we now know, that we must continue to make the unknown known, for that fear of the unknown is the fear that has enabled the ruling class to rule us.

We require our freedom now more than ever, for fear of what is outside the cage will ensure we remain caged, so we must be willing to break from our cage to free ourselves from our fears.

What is Destiny?

Most of us have been taught by many teachers throughout our lives, that we have a destiny and the sooner we accept that destiny the sooner we can have control of the direction of our life.

I feel we have been misinformed about what our lives are, what they can be, and what our destiny is. Rather than our lives being predetermined or set in stone, what if life is what we make of it?

What if whatever we wish to experience we can? If this is true why would be taught to follow a strict script, and to never deviate from that script? Why are we taught to embrace fear? Who benefits from these teachings?

There are many responsible for  programming these ideas into our conscious state, these are the academics, the priests, parents, our fellow undeveloped peer groups, the endless horde of celebrities paraded before us.

The Structure for Societal Sanity has been constructed to burden our subconscious with junk data (lies, misinformation) so we cannot discern between reality and contrived fiction, which as always creates confusion within the targeted population.

Life is a playground, we can experience anything we wish too. We can experience never-ending pleasure, we could experience never ending pain, we could experience some pleasure and some pain, but our life is most dependent upon our priorities.

Whatever priorities we create (or others create for us), will determine our focus and with our focus captured our overall experience can be determined. Whatever our priorities are in our life, will determine where we will end up on the road of life.

One choice will lead to other choices that are similar, but those choices evolve as we evolve due to that experience gathered due to those activities. Whatever choice we make there is a family of other choices that exist on that section of the road to life.

But at any time we can move off of the road whenever we want, but most of us at this point in the road can no longer discern the forest from the trees, or we fall victim to being set in our ways.

So when any alleged gurus, sages, or wise masters speak of us as individuals having one great destiny that we will reach in spite of our best efforts, this is a lie. Life is what we make of it, so our destiny is constantly shifting and evolving determining what our focus and intention is, this is the key to understanding destiny.

Our destiny is whatever we wish it to be, but if we do not enjoy our current life path all we have to do is move on to a different path, and as we shift gears we shift our focus and forge a new destiny for ourselves.

No matter our circumstances there is always another path paved for us to walk, but we will not know it is there if we are not looking for it. Have hope my fellow humans, life is what you make of it, your life is not written in stone, no matter what our circumstances there is always another way.